It has been a while since I last had time to write a blog, but as I have a few spare minutes, here goes:
Had a great few weeks on NXT, the highlight being my return to the UK and of course, winning the “Talk the Talk” challenge. There has been a lot of speculation as to my new entrance theme that WWE staff are currently working on. This was of course my prize for winning the challenge. Well, as you will have noticed, it has not aired on TV yet and with very good reason…
After my visit to the production studios in Stamford, CT, 2 week ago, I gave specific instructions to the song’s composer about exactly how I wanted the piece to sound. Having previously consulted with my mentor, Chris Jericho, about the key elements of the tune, I sat back and waited with anticipation for the finished product. Well, the finished product arrived last week and to my utter disgust, sounded nothing like what I had requested. Now, as you will have realized, Wade Barrett is a perfectionist. Nothing but the best is good enough. Nil Satis Nisi Optimum. So naturally, I had a rather stern telephone conversation with the composer and explained my displeasure. To his credit, he immediately apologized and accepted that the piece just wasn’t good enough for a performer of my caliber and potential. I believe he has had very little sleep this week as he has plenty of other things on his plate at the moment, but that is of no concern to me. As a result of his renewed efforts, I have not have to follow up on my threat to ‘pay him a little visit’ and I am now patiently waiting for the new version. Patience is a virtue, but even mine can wear thin music man. I strongly suggest that you do not make me wait too long…
Aside from this little issue, all is well with me. I am confident that my performances over the last few weeks will see me elevated to the number 1 spot on the next NXT rankings which will be announced in 2 weeks time. I said from day 1 that I am competing on NXT for one reason and one reason only and that is to win. Winners make money and losers make nothing. That is all the motivation I have ever needed in life and nothing is going to stop me hitting the top spot this time.
I’ll try and write some more next week, time permitting, but for now, that‘s your lot.
Saturday, May 1, 2010, 07:13 PM EST
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