Slight Return

Week 2 of NXT saw my in-ring debut and with it, a hugely impressive victory against the most experienced rookie on the show, Daniel Bryan.  Alongside my mentor, Chris Jericho, I came up with a strategy for the match that would deliver the desired result (a win) in as short a time as possible (3 minutes, as it happens).  Whether you love me or hate me, you have to admit that my performance last night was inspiring.

Now, I have come in for criticism from some quarters due to the fact that Bryan claimed to be carrying a rib injury into the match – as if this somehow cheapens my victory.  Well I don’t subscribe to that theory.  I am a fighter and in my position, all I can do is beat whatever is put in front of me.  I don’t care if my opponent has cracked ribs, chafed nipples or a nasty dose of wimp’s disease, I am going out to beat them and pick up the almighty winner’s cheque (and yes, before anyone starts mouthing off, that is exactly how the word ‘cheque’ should be spelled).

In theory, a performer could go into every match he ever has claiming to be carrying an injury and, should he be defeated, he has a ready-made excuse that he can claim nullifies his loss.  How many times have you heard boxers claiming to have been suffering from the ‘flu shortly before a big fight?  Or even sprinters muttering about ‘tight hamstrings’ before a 100 meters final?  It’s the oldest trick in the book – getting your excuses in early.  Well I don’t buy a word of it and if you have any sense, neither should you.  Judge me on what I can control, not on what I can’t.

Well that pretty much concludes my thoughts on this week’s show.  I am very pleased at the reception that the show is receiving and it seems there is a lot of buzz about what is going to happen next week.  I am continuing to learn more and more about success in WWE from my mentor, The World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho, and no doubt our synergism will continue to reap rewards in the coming weeks.

Keep watching.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 11:41 PM EST


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