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Uppercut by Orton to Rhodes. Tag to Kane and snapmare and low dropkick to Rhodes by Kane. Bryan off the top rope with the double axehandle. The No Kicks to Rhodes. Bryan misses with the roundhouse, Rhodes tags to Sandow and Bryan looking for the No Lock but Sandow escapes to the outside.Sandow and Rhodes taking turns working over Kane. Side Russian legsweep by Sandow and the Elbow Of Disdain. Barrett in with body shots to Kane and Kane fighting his way out of the corner. Winds Of Change by Barrett. Rhodes in hits the Beautiful Disaster on Kane. Sandow gets the tag, back body drop by Kane and the tag to Orton. Clotheslines to Sandow, powerslam to Sandow, powerslam to Rhodes. Orton looking for the hangman DDT on Sandow, takes out Barrett. Bryan takes out Sandow with the running knee. Rhodes with Cross Rhodes on Orton. Sandow with the cover but Kane breaks it up. Rhodes dumped over the top rope by Kane, Sandow dumps Kane over the top rope. Orton hits the RKO on Sandow for the three count
results credit: wrestlingnewssource.com
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