July 28, 2012

Meet and Greet with Wade Barrett

Lately, we informed you that Wade Barrett is currently doing a WWE Promo video for his scheduled return this fall. But this day, Barrett took a little break and gave his fans a chance to meet him at one of the FCW event at the Melbourne Auditorium.


(photos courtesy of leeskaitlyn)

Here are some of the words from those lucky fans who had the chance to meet Barrett tonight:

"I was the last one to see him. :D It was simply amazing. I was shaking and he kept a conversation with him. He loved that I was wearing his Barrett Barrage shirt and complimented it. Said the best designer he had ever seen. I got to actually got to hug him a little longer than most because my cameraman was a derp. xD But he then asked if I was from her and after answering yes. He asked me to recommend a good beach since he is staying an extra day" -Genie

"Its my first meet and greet and Wade was an awesome guy and extremely nice about making sure he meet everyone" -Timothy

"It was awesome i was scared because i thought he was gunna be not very nice like the last one but i was soo wrong! I went up to him and he was like “Do i know you?” “I really think i have met you before” i laughed and was like no and then he signed my picture and spelled it right and my sister was like WOW you spelled it right and he was like “i am a very intelligent man!” We laughed and i said thank you and he was like “enjoy the show!” But then i realized the picture was blurry and my eyes were shut and we went back up to him and he was like “Back for more ladies?” And i was like “sorry, my eyes were shut and he was like “Mine were probably too” (but he was wearing glasses lol) i said thank you again and he said “no problem”. The sweetest man ever." -Leeskaitlyn

"Its an honor, memorable moments, a true gentleman, a definite future WWE Hall of Famer.. He should have been Maverick in Top Gun.. lol" -Stewart

Fan photos:

We've always read some opinion that all Barrett fans has a different personality and different opinions. But in every event and every time they meet him in person, they seem to have a common thoughts about him. What is it?? Oh well, just read their words or you ask them.. =)

We would like to extend our gratitude to the following people for allowing us to use their photos:



  1. Loved the article..Those who got to meet him are pretty lucky, he is such a wonderful guy :)

  2. Wonderful work! Wish one day i'll get the chance to meet him too. :)
