August 9, 2012

WWE tour in Japan

Wade Barrett was just done with a tour with his fellow SmackDown superstars in Tokyo, Japan.

Aug. 9, 2012 result:
Wade Barrett beat Justin Gabriel at 7:04. Gabriel came out first, then Barrett, who sported his new look, was next. Barrett dominated the early part of the match with some nasty blows. Gabriel made a comeback with some nice moves, but Barrett connect with the Black Hole Slam to get a three count. This felt like a squash match. With his arm injury seemingly healed, Barrett looks ready to be brought back. --Pwtorch

photos coutesty of

Aug. 10, 2012 result:
Ted DiBiase vs. Wade Barrett. Barrett hit Winds of Change for the win

Here are some photos from some of the fans who attended the tour:

editorial note
*we will keep updating this post with some pictures and details about the match from the fans who attended the event. so be sure to visit the site regularly*


  1. IT's great to see that he is ready to return on one of the main shows that's really great news..I loved the photos and he really looks HOT with that beard ;)..Keep up the great work..:)
