September 17, 2012

WWE RAW 9/17/12 - Wade Barrett vs Justin Gabriel

The brutal reinvention of Wade Barrett continued on Raw when the brawling Brit took to the ring against Justin Gabriel, where he proceeded to make a furious example of the "Cape Town Werewolf" before the Bridgeport crowd.

Despite Barrett's history with Gabriel as members of The Nexus, there was no old-time easiness to the way Barrett manhandled his former comrade, felling Gabriel with brutal strikes to the body, pausing only occasionally to resort to a technical ground game. Gabriel countered handsomely with his signarure high-flying dynamism, but the brawler from across the pond would not be denied: a skull-rattling elbow to Gabriel's cranium put any hopes of an upset (not to mention a Nexus reunion) to rest.

Detailed result from ringsidexcess

Gabriel with a kick to the leg and he avoids Barrett and gets a near fall with a rana and rollup. Gabriel comes off the turnbuckles but Barrett moves and connects with a back heel kick. Gabriel goes to the floor and Barrett follows after him and he connects with a knee to the midsection. Barrett pulls Gabriel into the ring post as he continues to work on the ribs.
Barrett wraps the arm in the ropes and he punches Gabriel in the ribs. Barrett with an Irish whip and back breaker followed by an elbow to the ribs for a near fall. Barrett with more punches to the ribs. Barrett gets a near fall and then he applies a seated abdominal stretch. Gabriel with a drop toe hold that sends Barrett into the turnbuckles.
Gabriel with a series of kicks to Barrett but Barrett returns to the ribs with a punch and then he tries for a pump handle slam but Gabriel counters with an elbow drop and then he hits a quebrada from the top rope for a near fall.
Gabriel with punches and kicks but he misses a round kick. Barrett sends Gabriel into the air and he lands on his chest. Barrett with a fish hook and then he turns Gabriel around and connects with a forearm for the three count.



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