October 12, 2012

WWE Superstars 10/11/12: Wade Barrett vs Tyson Kidd

After two recent losses to Wade Barrett, could Tyson Kidd finally rebound against the brawler? Or did the high flier fall victim to another Souvenir Elbow?

Detailed Result:

Slow start as they feel each other out. Kidd foolishly volunteers for a test of strength against Barrett, and is forced to fight his way up from a bridge. Barrett comes back with kicks and a wristlock. Barrett catches Kidd's trademark kick from the apron to gain decisive control of the match.

[Commercial Break]

Barrett with control out of the break, but Kidd puts up a nasty comeback, including a leg-whip of sorts through the ropes. Kidd has Barrett's head hanging through the ropes, and does a slingshot dropkick to Barrett's head, very unique. Barrett with a quick clothesline to send Kidd ringside. Barrett wants a big boot but Kidd dodges and Barrett gets hung up on the barrier. Kidd turns the tables on Barrett. Kidd wants the springboard elbow, so Barrett puts his feet up. Kidd sees the feet, lands on his own feet, and transitions right into a Sharpshooter. Barrett barely makes it to the ropes. Kidd gets caught by Barrett, and Barrett follows with the Souvenir for the win. (pwtorch.com)



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