November 2, 2012

WWE Smackdown 11/02/12: Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett

Detailed Result:

Wade Barrett defeated Randy Orton

Before the match, Alberto Del Rio joins Josh Matthews and JBL on commentary and after Orton comes out launches into an attack on Orton
Back in the ring, Orton drives elbows into Barrett. Clothesline by Barrett ducked by Orton and Orton clotheslines Barrett over the top rope. Orton to the outside and lifts Barrett up for a back suplex Barrett’s neck hitting the barrier. Back in the ring, a boot to Orton. Barrett with mounted punches and a kneedrop to Orton. Barrett driving the knee into the back of Orton’s neck and he has Orton tied up in the ropes delivering knee strikes. Barrett connects with the big boot and Orton falls to the apron and out of the ring. Barrett to the outside looking to drive Orton’s head into the ringsteps but Orton counters with a punch to the gut. Orton looking to connect with the same move but it’s Barrett who blocks it and this time succeeds with slamming Orton’s head into the ringsteps. Barrett rolling Orton back in, chinlock on Orton.  Orton to his feet turns the chinlock into a back suplex. Orton misses with a clothesline and Barrett connects with a kick and Barrett with punches to the ribs levels Orton with a clothesline. Orton fighting back and an exchange taking place between Orton and Barrett and Barrett gets the upperhand with the knee and drops an elbow on Orton. Barrett off the second rope with an elbow drop. Barrett wearing Orton down, Orton to his feet and slam by Barrett. Barrett going to the top once more but Orton cuts him off. Headbutt to Barrett. Barrett seated on the top rope and Orton hits the superplex. Orton strikes with a series of clothesline and hits the powerslam. Barrett goes to the outside, Orton brings him back in and drops Barrett with the draping DDT. Alberto Del Rio back out at the top of the rampway and Rodriguez on the apron as Barrett rolls Orton up for the three count. >wrestlingnewssource<




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