October 5, 2012

WWE Superstars 10/04/12: Wade Barrett vs Tyson Kidd

(Caps from barrettbarrage)

Detailed Result from 24wrestling.com

     Barrett’s strength gives him an early advantage over Kidd, and he looks to rip Kidd’s arm off. Kidd tries to get traction, but Barrett quickly cuts him off. Kidd with a knee from the apron then a baseball slide and Barrett is down on the outside. The audience is going nuts for Kidd. Kidd wants a slingshot move, but Barrett cold-cocks him in mid-air to gain the edge. Barrett is a variety of hard offense. Kidd’s sudden offense draws a big crowd reaction. Slingshot guillotine leg drop through the ropes, and a springboard elbow, but Barrett kicks out. Kidd wants the top rope blockbuster, but Barrett throws him off. Souvenir Elbow and Kidd is down for three.



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